A downloadable tool

A programming language and environment focused on drawing to a digital canvas, similar to Processing and p5.js. Users primarily interact with DrawLisp through an interactive shell (a.k.a. a REPL). The language is a Lisp dialect inspired by Scheme. Read the manual to learn how to use this tool!

DrawLisp has (what I believe to be) a quite novel feature in what I call "lexical settings", which are a way of setting graphics parameters such as fill color in a block of code while preserving those same parameters in outer blocks of code. I consider this to be a much saner alternative to the traditional setter functions in other graphics programming environments.

This tool was created for The Tool Jam 3, with the theme 2-in-1 reflected by DrawLisp being both a programming language and graphics tool. In fact, DrawLisp started out as a recreational Lisp interpreter before I discovered Tool Jam about a week later, and decided to implement a drawable canvas as a core feature of the language in accordance with the theme.

DrawLisp is open-source under the MIT license. The source code can be found in my GitHub repository.


DrawLisp_v1.0_Windows_x64.zip 1,006 kB

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